WAX Part Nine

By Katie Vieceli, Michelle Hansen, Nicollette Marquis McFadgen

Chapter Note: This takes place somewhere in the future, so just know that time has gone by since the last chapter.

Willow walked to the dresser, her lithe, naked body moving gracefully as Angelus watched from where he lounged on the bed. Her small hands pulled the drawer open and she peeked inside. She bit the inside of her cheek trying to choose. There were so many pretty things to choose from.

"Have you found the one you want?" Angelus asked, smiling as he saw her bounce.

Willow giggled as her little pale hand reached inside and closed over what she wanted. After pulling the object out, she shut the drawer and turned, smiling at her Master. She held out her hand, showing Angelus what she held.

"Baby, you don't want the bull whip again tonight." Angelus almost groaned as he thought back to two days prior when he had first used it on her for punishment. She must have liked it a great deal if she was asking him to use it again, this time for play.

He saw her pout, her head tilting down and her lips puffing out. "Willow, you still have marks from where the cuts haven't healed." She only pouted more, adding a whimper to her sad face. She walked towards him then knelt on the floor at the end of the bed. Angelus got off the bed and stood before her. "Look at me, Willow."

She looked up, nibbling on her lower lip. "Please, Daddy? I'll be good like you like." Angelus narrowed his eyes, deciding. He reached down and she placed the whip in his hand. Her sire squatted down in front of her, running his hand over her cheek. She batted her eyelashes. "Can we use it?"

"You know, this was supposed to be punishment, Willow." She nodded in understanding. "This whip was meant to hurt you."

"And it does. Just tonight I want it to."

"And what is the difference between punishment and pleasure? Do you know?"

Willow nodded. "Punishment is when you're mad at me 'cause I've been a bad girl." She placed one hand on his naked chest.

"Do you like it when I'm mad?" She shook her head fiercely. "Not at all?"

"I don't like you mad, but sometimes I like how you hurt me during my punishments." She looked at him with big eyes, as his hand found her waist and pulled her to him. His mouth devoured hers hungrily. He took her hand that was on his chest and wrapped it around his hard cock.

"Show me that you're a good girl and I'll use the whip." He stood and she rose up on her knees, keeping a hold of his throbbing erection.

Leaning forward, Willow drew the wide head into her mouth, her lips closing around it. Angelus growled, throwing his head back. Willow had learned well what her master liked. He grabbed the back of her head as it bobbed up and down his cock, quickly bringing him to climax.

Willow pulled back, only the head of his cock within her mouth as she swallowed his thick secretions. She let her sire's cock slip from between her lips and sat back on her heels, looking up at Angelus. He opened his eyes, his hand still at the back of her head. "Good girl." She smiled widely. "Get on the bed."

Willow jumped up, flinging herself onto the bed. "Lay on your stomach, Willow. We'll start with your back. Will I need to use the restraints?" She shook her head and clapped excitedly. Willow laid down on her stomach and pressed her face into the mattress. Angelus moved to the side of the bed and took a practice swing. Willow's feet kicked at the mattress in anticipation.

"Ready?" He heard her muffled positive reply. He brought the whip down on her shoulders and she squealed. Smelling her blood, Angelus' cock hardened again. He continued to whip her, marring her back for a few minutes before tiring of it. "Willow, get to your knees."

The small female did so and Angelus saw beautiful tears of pain rolling down her cheeks. "Spread your legs a little, baby." As she did, Angelus crawled up onto the bed, his hand moving between her legs. "You're all wet." She smiled through the tears. He leaned down and kissed her neck, nipping a little. Removing his hand, he took a hold of hers, moving her small hand down between her legs and starting a motion. "That's good." She nodded.

He took his hand away from hers and she kept up the motion, her eyes slipping closed. He backed off the bed, then swung the whip side ways. It hit across her breasts and whipped around her arm, the tip lacerating her back. She yelped, but continued to rub her clit.

After a few more swings of the whip, Angelus stopped. The vision of his doll being whipped while she played with herself proved to be too much. He crawled onto the bed, quickly pushing her over so that she was on her hands and knees. "You're getting stronger. You can take more now. We can go for longer." He entered her quickly and her walls squeezed him as she cried out.

She was nearing climax before he had even entered her. When his hand wrapped in her hair, pulling her head back, she slammed back against him. "Bite, bite," she pleaded. He chuckled then leaned down as he pulled her upper body up. He knew his bite would throw her over the edge and he would follow her. His mouth latched onto her neck, his fangs coming down and piercing her delicate flesh. "Yes. Oh, come, come." She cried out as he sucked in her life force and came, her pussy constricting around him.

Thrusting several more times into her, Angelus came with a growl. He pulled out as his teeth withdrew from her. "Thank you, Daddy."

Angelus collapsed onto his back and Willow knelt beside him, looking at his smooth face. His finger ran the length of one of her lash marks and she winced. "Hurt?" She smiled and nodded. She continued to just look at him as she placed her hands on his chest and stomach. He smirked at how childlike she was. She was exactly as he intended for her to be. "What is it, Willow?"

"Play?" Her eyes pleaded with him.


She nodded. "I was a good girl."

"Yes, you were." He kept his face passive as her hand snaked around his cock and began to pump him to erection again.

"And daddies like playing with good girls." Her little fist closed around the head of his cock.


"And I promise to be good forever."

"Forever's a long time, Willow. Do you think you can be a good girl for that long?" She nodded her head. "Okay, then. What happens when you're not?"

She tried to hide her smile. "You punish me for being naughty."

"That's right."

She bit her lower lip. "Play?" she asked again, looking at him hopefully.

"Okay, you can play." Her hand left his cock and she wasted no time straddling his hips. She lowered herself down on him, making sure to squeeze her muscles. She bounced on him hard, smashing her clitoris down on his pelvic bone. As she started to moan, he grabbed her hips, slamming her down even harder. She exploded in pleasure, the evidence drenching her sire's cock.

"Hey." Both Willow and Angelus turned to the door and saw Xander standing there, his hand absently rubbing his stomach. "What are you playing? And can I play too?"

Willow turned back to Angelus, whispering. "I was a good girl." He nodded.

"Yes, Xander you may." Angelus watched as Xander closed the door. The Master vampire began to move the girl again on his cock. "Xander, Willow was a good girl, so play nice."

"Nice? She's covered in blood." He removed his clothing and walked towards the bed, stroking his cock. "She looks so beautiful like that."

"She wanted the bull whip tonight. That was her reward." Angelus pulled Willow forward, so that her chest was pressed against his. "Willow killed three people tonight and she helped me find out more about the new hunter who's in town. So we're playing nice tonight." He voice displayed a little pride.

Xander crawled on the bed, moving behind Willow and positioning himself between Angelus' spread legs. He ran a hand down her back, making her wince. "Okay, I can play nice." As his hand spread her cheeks, his bloodied finger swirled around her anus then slipped in. She moaned.

He pulled his hand away, replacing his finger with his cock. Willow bucked back a little, driving him farther in. "Feel good, Will?" She nodded. Xander thrust into her, setting a pace and making her rock against Angelus.

All three vampires moaned as they built up to their orgasms. Willow was the first to come. She cried out and bit Angelus' chest lightly. Xander, who yelled as Willow clamped down around him, followed her. Angelus, who had waited the longest to come, came last. Xander silently pulled his cock from Willow, then helped her dismount their sire. Her eyes were nearly closed and both Xander and Angelus knew that she'd soon be asleep.

They laid her down between them, the blood almost completely dry on her body. "Nigh-night," she mumbled as the two males pressed themselves against her body.


I see her standing at the curb, waiting for her ride. Her dark hair waves gently as the southern California breeze blows by. As I stand across the street, covered in darkness, I imagine what she will be. What she'll be when I make her mine.

I can smell her purity even though there is distance between us. How I long for the distance to be gone. I want to smell and taste her purity up close. I want my hands running over her beautiful and unblemished brown skin possessively. Closing my eyes for a scant moment, I can nearly feel her trembling under me.

I learned last month that her name was Hannah, which means 'Grace of God.' I shall take great pleasure in showing her my grace. As images of whips and chains and searing hot metal fill my brain, Hannah's mother pulls up and then the one who will be mine is gone.

I turn, looking towards my children, who came to see who I had chosen to be my new companion. My daughters, my former obsessions stand hand and hand, both clad in emerald silk. Drusilla is carrying on about the moon and stars as she always does while Willow stands humming, her eyes transfixed on Xander. He stands next to her, his arm possessively wrapped around her waist, the look on his face expressing pure boredom. Of all my children, he's the most like me. His lust for not just the kill, but for the bloody torture and pain nearly surpasses my own. Next to Drusilla is her love, her Spike. He too seems bored, but also seems captivated by Drusilla's musings.

It has been nearly four years since I turned my fair Willow into the vampire she is today. Last year, I grew tired of her and went out in search of something new. I had been unable to find anyone worthy until Hannah. Once again thinking about how soon the girl will be mine, I find myself smiling.

"Daddy?" Willow's voice breaks through my thoughts. "I'm hungry. Can we feed now?"

"Yeah, mate, we're all impressed with your new obsession and all, but darkness is burning, if you know what I mean." Spike says as he takes Drusilla's hand and begins to lead her out of the alley. Still silent, I follow.

"When are you going to bring her home? It's been so long since we've had anyone new to play with," Drusilla adds as she twirls her hair between her fingers.

"Soon." I stop walking, letting Xander and Willow come up beside me. "What do you think of her, Xander?"

Taking a moment to contemplate, Xander turns to me, ignoring Willow's whimpers of hunger. "I like her. I'd like to see what she looks like covered in blood."

I smile. "Next week I'm going make myself known to her, then the week after that, I'm going to kill her boyfriend, maybe sooner if he tries to fuck her. Would you like to help?"

"Of course," Xander answers.

Willow whimpers louder. "What about me? I'm a good girl."

"Don't worry, Wills, no one can replace you to me," Xander chuckles, pulling her into a savage kiss of ownership.

Happy with the attention, Willow smiles. "Do I get to eat now? I'm hungry."

"Yes," I growl as I take her hand, leading my two youngest. "We'll find something for you." Picking up the pace, we catch up with Spike and Drusilla. The rest of the night, even while we kill and feast, Hannah possesses my mind. She is there, standing in the foreground, waiting for me to take the thing I want most. Her innocence.


End Part Nine

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