Cordelia and Xander Fan Fiction
So Sweet was Never So Fatal- Sad reflective Xander
piece (NC-17)
At Their Feet- Cordelia/Spike, Cordelia/Xander. Spike doesn't know what he's getting into when he goes searching for a new Princess. (R)
Burning- Cordelia/Xander. Set in Laure's TEAOW&S universe. (NC-17)
Neither Rhyme nor Reason- Nominated for FOUR UCSL Blue Ralph Awards. Winner of TWO Cordelia/Xander. Cordelia has been hurt, Xander must comfort. How's that for a summary? Violence/Hurt/Comfort. (Heavy R)
Chicken Burrito Day at Sunnydale High- Cordelia/Xander. A Utility Closet PWP, except that there is a plot and it's called sex. The title is silly, the fic is not. (NC-17)
Tiger- A bad response to a challenge that called for a Willow/Xander/Faith/Cordelia. Yes, you heard me. This is unbetaed and written in two minutes. (PG)
Rumor- Xander/Cordelia. You see, sometimes Xander pops into my head and starts talking and singing "Henry VIII" until I write what he wants down. This is what he wanted. I appeased him. It's a C/X (duh!) and it takes place *after* "Lover's Walk". (PG)
I Was Hoping You'd Get That Idea- Cordelia/Xander. Set in Laure's TEAOW&S universe. Kinky sex with my favorite sex kitten and my favorite (Not that Xander's a geek, mind you...). (NC-17)
Bright Flash of Light- Cordelia. Although out of the Scoob Gang, Cordelia must return to find help. Weirdness abounds for her as she realizes that she too has a special ability. (R)
The Gift- Cordelia. Follow up to "Bright Flash of Light". A continued quest for understanding. (R)
Mother's Day- Cordelia/Xander. Set in the Future, on a Very Special Mother's Day. (PG)
Xander's Prom- Cordelia/Xander. The Prom
episode through Xander's POV (with some stuff added, of course). (PG)
Fifth Period- Cordelia/Xander. Takes place during the first part of
season three's Finale, "Graduation". They ditch, they talk, they make up. (PG)
Nighthawk- Cordelia/Xander. Takes place
right after Dead Man's Party. They go back to her house and find it empty, smuttiness
and sweetness endue. (NC-17)
She Screams in Silence- Cordelia/Xander. Hurt/Comfort
piece with lots of Angst. Cordelia is acting strangly and it's up to Xander to figure out why and
then help her. (I know, H/C and Angst from me? Who would've guessed?). (R)
Cheeba, Middle Eastern Music, the Munchies and the Baring of One's Soul- Cordelia/Xander. They're both at a party, Cordy's smoked some grass. Truths come out and feelings are made known. Brief nudity, too! (R)
Secret Game- A look into Cordelia and Xander's past and a different look at the present (takes place after Nightmares). Their relations isn't what it appears, it's deeper. (PG)
Learning Again- Cordelia/Xander. AU after Graduation. Short, to the point. Angsty, lovey, shippy. (PG)
And I'm Him- Xander. Takes place during Bad Eggs. That punch always bugged me, so here's my way of dealing with it. Xander's POV, quite angsty, I jest not. (PG)
For the First Time- This is a response to a Lyric Challenge. It's C/X, although, mainly Xander angsting over a nasty comment he said to Cordelia. (PG)
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